Dogs With Food Allergies

July 22, 2009 - Leave a Response

Food allergy is one of the most dreaded aliments in todays culture. It makes everyday activities not so fun but this dillemma isn’t only for the upright species. Animals deal with food allergy as well, but they have no clue whats going on. In fact alot dog owners have no clue that their dog has certain food allergies.That is why it is very important to monitor your dogs behavior because food allergy left untreated can be fatal.

So here are some tips when it comes to food allergy and your four legged friend.

One sign that your dog is suffering from an allergy attack is constant itching. If he or she is scratching their face or repeatedly scratching in several other body parts like the foot and belly, then their most likely allergic to something. Other symptoms that there is a allergic reaction going on are ear infections, being non active, & of course vomiting and thats even if they do eat.

So you ask what causes the reaction? We’ll this blog is all about food allergies so we don’t have to look far for the answer. Just like humans it is what’s in the food that they eat. The processed food that you buy every week is the culprit. The food you get from the local pet store and convienent stores is crap. Protein from beef, corn,dairy products & wheat are the most common allergy causing foods. What stinks is that all those types of ingredients are in the food your given to your canine.

So what is the solution? The solution is switching up your dogs protein source. There are formulas that cater to dog allergies allergy-free mixes are your best choice. They come equipped with a ton of vitamins & nutrients formulated for your dog. Testing different sources like fish proteins or chicken based proteins is also a must. Testing is a important process because you want to see what fits best with your pet. Once you have the right formula then you stick with it.  But when introducing new foods into your dogs diet you want to ease in to it. Take about  six days to try completely switch the diet use the ratio 4 to 1 (with the 4 being the old) and as everday passes you would increase the new formula.

Look you can’t change your dogs allergy problems overnight but you can change them rather quickly. Taking your pet to the vet helps but it is not always needed just monitor your dogs behaviour and realize you might just have to reformat what your pet is eating. Reference this blog post to remember the tell signs of dogs with food allergies.

   More useful tips and dog recipes

Food Allergy Symptoms

July 21, 2009 - Leave a Response

Food allergens are proteins that have bypassed the process of being cooked and the acidic substances of the gastrointestinal system. By doing so the allelrgens now disperse into the blood circulatory system. From there the allergens travel to various organ targets causing allergic symptoms all over the body. This string of events causes hives, eczema, simple rash, diarrhea, stomach aches,vomiting, nausea & indigestion.

 Those where just the most common and elevated symptoms other symptoms include fatigue,moodiness,migraines,wheezing,rhinitis,heartburn, & sleeping problems such as insomnia.

Alot of times there are specific foods that trigger specific allergy symptoms. Here are some examples of  specific foods that cause specific symptoms


Minor headcahes are linked to the consumption of chocolates & wheat. Migraines are linked to cheese, nuts, milk, cirtrus fruits,tomatoes & msg. MSG aka Monosodium Glutamate is a chemical used for seasoning certain foods. What causes the allergic reaction when it comes to msg is the excessive amount used

Ezcema & Hives

Ezcema is the swelling & drying  of the skin. Ezcema/atopic dermatitis is linked to the consumption of tomatoes,eggs, and citrus fruits. Hives can be brought upon from foods such as shellfish, mangoes,pork meat, strawberries & nuts.



July 18, 2009 - Leave a Response

Millions upon millions of people across the globe suffer from food allergies. It’s unfair that people with food allergy reaction’s can’t experience certain foods that they love. Food allergies are a common problem for adults, children and pets they also come in many different forms such as nuts,milk,seafood & eggs. The process in which the allergic reaction takes place goes as follows.

Once a person eats a food that has certain allergens in it the body reacts. The body reacts by sending a message to the immune system which sends out antibodies to fight off the foreign body inside. The end result from this is getting hives,skin rashes,eczema,& vomiting basically a fun day at the beach. But don’t think it ends there, there is a list of other physical reactions you can go through if you are exposed to a allergen. We’ll get into that on a different blog post but right now I would like to talk about the most common allergy causing foods.


Tree nuts or peanuts are the most common allergic food in the world. What’s funny is that scientifically speaking peanuts aren’t considered a nut but tell that to your immune system. The body mistakes the proteins in the peanut which causes the body’s release of  histamine that causes eye irritants, nose, throat, lungs, skin, & also gastrointestinal tract problems.

Half of the people allergic to peanuts are allergic to tree nuts such as almonds,walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, cashews, macadamias, pecans, and hazelnuts. Tree nuts can be severe also but the most common severe reactions come from peanuts.


Aah nothing beats a ice cold glass of milk just ask those indy drivers after a Indianapolis 500. But not all have that luxury of enjoying milk, you see milk allergy is also very popular. In fact people get milk intolerance and milk allergy confused there is a major difference. Milk intolerance is the lack breaking down the sugars within milk. Milk allergy on the other hand deals with the proteins inside of milk. People often choose soy milk or rice milk as an alternative to fill the nutritional gap.


I personally love seafood.. who doesn’t but seafood allergy is a serious issue because of the severe reactions one goes through. With seafood people have a hypersensitivity to the substances within shellfish, flaky fish or Crustaceans. The most dreaded reaction is Anaphylaxis which  requires immediate attention. Not eating seafood if you are allergic is only half the battle. If you are around the vapours where seafood is being cooked you could have a reaction instantly. Also be sure to read your nutrition facts & make sure there is a nutrition label visible or simply pay the price.


Egg allergy comes from both the yolk and the whites. Egg allergies are more common amongst kids but adults suffer as well. The same immediate attention is needed because just like seafood egg allergies causes Anaphylaxis. So alternatives such as tapioca, starch from potatoes and apple sauce are relevant when trying to cook without the use of eggs.

Food sensitive?